TAA event thing is on now if you want to go and look at some fantastic work. There really are some fantastic things going down. So if you can fnd your way there and are interested in resisting capitalism and corporatism and all that bad stuff, get yourself there.
The Chomp TV exhibit, which I was part of, looked especially good, thanks to nancy's excellent organisational skills and frighteningly devil-may-care attitude to wiring. The highlights in my opinion were Harry Shotton's fantastic piece, in which a tiny couple in a tiny car consult a TV guide to try and find where they have ended up. Also Lauren Beard's charming country idyll, featuring tiny model mice sat around a dinner table was great too. Lauren usually does 2D illustation, so this is a wee departure from her usual stuff, but it still oozed charm.
The graffitti and illustration which covered every inch of every available surface was of the high standard most have come to expect from TAA. The bright explosion of creativity in this condemned building is akin to the hallucinations said to be experienced by those undergoing a near death experience. The vibrancy and energy even more pointed when you remember that these are people who are doing purely for the love of creating, and to reclaim a tiny frgment of the urban landscape.
The thing I did was a little bit of a damp squib. Well alot of a damp squib actually. I completly misjudged what I was doing and kind of "ballsed up" my sculpture by rushing it. And not planning it properly. And not bringing enough materials to finish what I was doing. And by not really sticking to the brief properly. And all sorts of things. And it looked shite. I apologise to Nancy for this, and to everyone who had to look at it. If I've not ruined my chances of working with her again, I promise I'll try harder next time.
Before I forget;
http://www.laurenbeard.co.uk/ for Lauren
http://harryshotton.blogspot.com/ for Harry
http://www.taaexhibitions.org/ TAA again
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