Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Panic Stations

TAA thingy opens tomorrow, and I’m very slightly panicked about the work I’m doing and have done and all that. It all still feels quite a long way from completion, and considering that I’m having to assemble most of the piece at the space, and I don’t know where that is yet, and I have to do this tomorrow, this is worrying me.

The good news is though that I sprayed my little triangular shapes at the weekend, and they look more impressive than they did as a pile of badly glue-gunned cocktail sticks. Not loads more impressive, but hopefully enough so they don’t get mistaken for rubbish and thrown away. That’s the benchmark I’m setting myself.

It's an attempt to try and sculpt, or make visible, light itself. As you probably know the light from the TV is made up of three colours, red, blue and green, and these combine to make all the various others. The machine forces shape and colour on this light, so I've tried to make it into a sculptural form.

Failed my driving test. AGAIN.

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